Sadly our lovely stay with Sarah and Kevy is over.We packed up this morning and made our way to HerveyBay via Maryborough.What a quaint old town with lost of lovely architecture.Beautiful weatherboard Queenslanders which remind us of home and provide much inspiration for paint colours.No welcome from big bossomed Mimmie McPherson, but we knew we had arrived in HerveyBay when we saw a whales tail sticking up out of the ground at this fabulous waterpark, called Wet Side.After a quick survey of the caravan parks we’ve settled on the most stunning spot at the back of TorquayCaravanPark.The view is spectacular but we’re in trouble if there’s a tsunami.We are right on the beach and away from other vans thankfully as the kids made so much noise tonight, it was ridiculous.HerveyBay has an esplanade that runs about 15km along the beach front, so we made good use of the afternoon and went scootering down towards ScarnessBeach.We took a quick detour on to the beachfront near a lovely little café filled with backpackers and more grey nomads thawing out in the sun.Speaking of, can this weather get any better.Glorious sunshine, shorts and t-shirt weather.The water was sparkling blue and we attempted a little beach soccer, a bit hard when the kids kept picking up the ball. We finished the day with a BBQ and made friends with a possum that obviously thought the leftovers smelt good.The kids and I christened the shower tonight.Sadly there are no ensuite sites at this park, and I am glad, as I’ll be showering in the van from now on.So easy to whiz the kids through.All in all a great day and I am keen to get exploring tomorrow.
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